Prenatal Refresher Seminar


Another Birth: Refresher Workshop

$120 (per couple)

1:30 - 5:30pm

A rewarding four hour prenatal seminar specially designed for second (or third) time parents, including everything from birth to breast/chestfeeding. Discover ways to reduce sibling rivalry, to help your youngsters cope with the growing family, and to connect with your new baby while maintaining your bond with the first.

Topics include:

  • Finding ways to honour this pregnancy and celebrate its distinctness

  • Recalling old birthing techniques and learning new ones

  • What worked last time… and what didn’t

  • Coming to terms with your previous birth experiences; letting go and looking ahead

  • Breastfeeding / Chestfeeding all over again (or for the first time)

  • How to prepare your first baby for sibling-hood

  • Connecting with your new baby while maintaining the bond with your first

  • And much, much more

$120 per couple ($80 for Childbearing grads with code 40OFF)

Note that if there are too few people to run the seminar, we can offer it as a private class at the Private Class rate ($75/hour)

*Price too high? We aim to make our classes accessible to everyone. Please contact us about our low income rates or single mother rates.

Birth refresher workshop - Childbearing Society