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Babies are born with the superpower to detect danger in their surroundings, and this same superpower helps with long-term brain development. What is it? Neuroception.

There is no question that becoming a mother changes us. Whether our children came to us biologically, through blending families, with the help of science, or paperwork, or some other way, no matter how we became a mother, motherhood is a fundamental shift in identity that alters our former perception of self. Whether we welcome this or resist it, there is no escaping it: we are no longer the same person we were before having kids.

Placenta Trivia
When you are pregnant, you not only grow a baby, you also grow a placenta!
Even though the placenta has been sometimes characterised as a waste-organ, an icky footnote, or unmentionable by-product of birth (the “after birth”), it is actually an important, unique, and fascinating organ.