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Moms Helping Their Female Partners Through Pregnancy
All of the points discussed by Cameron Phillips directed at soon-to-be Dad’s on how to support your partner through pregnancy are true if you are a woman (or woman identified person). Though harder to admit as a lesbian, even the ‘embrace your inner cave man’ resonated with me. I remember many times feeling and behaving in a very protective way around my partner while she was pregnant.
So, all of you ladies who love ladies who are starting families, the advice to the Dad’s should be taken to heart as well.
I would like to add a few additional points of advice on how to support your pregnant partner, relevant to both men and women.

10 Things Future Dads Should Know About Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a HUGE deal for your wife.
While you may from time to time forget your wife is pregnant, your wife does not. She is changing physically, mentally and hormonally. Dads need to be involved as possible—go to medical appointments, rub cream on her belly, talk to the baby, ask her questions regularly about how she’s feeling. When you are exhausted, try to remember that she is probably even more so. And when the enthusiasm is waning, fake it.