Participate in Our Virtual Parenting Talks

New Baby Chaos!

Getting out of the house can be hard for new parents.

Which is why our Virtual Parenting Talks are online. You can access these helpful and informative sessions from the comfort of your own home. Join us for these enriching and supportive talks featuring expert guest speakers on important parenting topics, every Monday from 1 – 2pm. You can wear your pyjamas!

Virtual Parenting Talks are by donation.

(When you are ready to attend in-person gatherings, check out our In-Person Baby Circles)

Now that baby has arrived, join us for our helpful and informative Virtual Parenting Talks online, Mondays from 1pm-2pm. Discuss popular parenting topics in a supportive environment. These Talks are helpful and friendly, and provide an opportunity to reunite online with friends from prenatal classes, as well as meet other new parents with same-aged babies. Our Virtual Parenting Talks are open to anyone.

A different topic each week!

Mondays (closed on holidays)
1pm - 2pm


Our Virtual Parenting Talks are FREE or BY DONATION (suggested $5)

How to Attend:

  • No need to register. No need to RSVP.

  • Click the “join” button below at approximately 12: on Mondays.

    Virtual Parenting Talks are FREE or by donation (suggested $5). You are welcome to attend with or without paying.

    If you do wish to contribute, please click the link below.

Donate Here

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