Preparing for Birth in Vancouver
Scheduled Cesarean
$250 (per couple)
Will you be giving birth by scheduled caesarean? Are you looking for a prenatal class, but want to keep the labour/breathing content to a minimum?
We have the solution for you! If you already know you will need a scheduled caesarean, you can skip day 1 (Saturday) of our Weekend Workshop. By attending only day 2 (Sunday), plus the evening portion, you will get more of the content relevant to your own situation, without having to sit through days of material that doesn’t apply to you.
The “Sunday plus” portion of our weekend workshop prenatal package includes 7 1/2 hours of instruction; (the same content as the evening series in condensed format) and covers the following material:
Medical pain relief, interventions & procedures
Caesarean Birth
Breastfeeding / Chestfeeding covered on Monday evening
Newborn care
Early parenthood
This seminar will give you the opportunity to attend a prenatal class, meet other new families, learn about newborns, and build community, without having to spend as much time on topics you already know you won’t need.
Note: This is not a dedicated Caesarean Workshop, but rather part of a longer workshop covering every kind of birth. Caesarean Birth will be discussed, but it will not be the only option included.
Registration Includes:
Sunday Class of Weekend Workshop, 10am - 3pm
Breastfeeding / Chestfeeding Class, 6:30 - 9:30pm
Follow-up e-mails
Class Reunion (online)
One FREE Virtual Parenting Talk
These Workshops are currently offered either online (zoom) or in person at our East Vancouver location. When selecting your dates, note whether your workshop is “zoom” or “live”. The evening portion of each workshop (the breastfeeding class) is only on zoom.
We suggest choosing classes that end 3 - 4 weeks before your due date.
Single Moms use code 100OFF for $100 off registration fee