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Cervical Dilation: 12 Fun Facts
Birth Stephanie Ondrack Birth Stephanie Ondrack

Cervical Dilation: 12 Fun Facts

Almost everyone knows that one important aspect of labour is that the cervix has to dilate from zero to ten centimetres. But what does this actually mean? What is the cervix, how does it dilate, and how does that relate to your birth? And more importantly, does it hurt? Here are twelve things you might not know about the cervix and dilation.

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Giving Birth in Vancouver BC

Giving Birth in Vancouver BC

While birth itself could be described as universal, standard practices around birth are very local. What we can expect varies significantly from place to place. Which means that much  of the information we get on the internet, or in books, might not reflect common practices in regionally. This can cause confusion around what to expect in our own area. So let’s focus on this location: Vancouver BC and the surrounding lower mainland.

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The So-Called Due Date
Birth, prenatal, informed choice, due date, myths, What's normal Stephanie Ondrack Birth, prenatal, informed choice, due date, myths, What's normal Stephanie Ondrack

The So-Called Due Date

If there is one date that your baby is unlikely to arrive, it is on your so-called due date. Approximately 96% of people do not give birth on that date. Odds are, neither will you.

So when do people typically give birth? Where does the putative “due date” come from, and why do we even call it that?

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Massage for Labour: Some Rules of Thumb (& Fingers)

Massage for Labour: Some Rules of Thumb (& Fingers)

Massage is an excellent tool for coping with labour. It is a classic, well known comfort measure. It works in several ways.

But whatever you do, there is one thing you might want to avoid: creepy fingers.

For many people, creepy fingers during labour can turn massage into a thoroughly unpleasant experience.

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The Waters

The Waters

A common image in futuristic movies is someone floating in a tank of water in order to heal from injuries, illness, or cryogenic stasis. This idea of submersion in an enclosed aquatic tub that is restorative and salubrious is extremely evocative of the womb. Our babies float in exactly such a substance in our bodies, fully submerged, growing and gestating, until they are ready to emerge. This is amniotic fluid, “the waters” that surround and support our baby.

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Location, Location, Location: Choosing Baby’s Place of Birth

Location, Location, Location: Choosing Baby’s Place of Birth

“Have you considered having a home birth?” My midwife had asked me in one of our first appointments. I promptly responded no, but the question spurred a few thoughts: “I’m a nurse. How could I even consider that?” “That can’t be safe.”

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