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“You’re Glowing”: What Causes the Fabled Glow of Pregnancy?
Pregnancy, prenatal, prenatal health, pregnancy myths Stephanie Ondrack Pregnancy, prenatal, prenatal health, pregnancy myths Stephanie Ondrack

“You’re Glowing”: What Causes the Fabled Glow of Pregnancy?

Along with all the well-known annoyances and discomforts of pregnancy, such as nausea, heartburn, swollen ankles, and having to pee every ten minutes, some people are also blessed with a few of pregnancy’s more pleasant side effects. One of these is a radiant, shiny look, mostly known as “The Glow of Pregnancy”.

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Oedema (or edema) is swelling that can occur in your extremities during pregnancy, most often in the ankles. Some people just get mildly swollen ankles, and some people get extremely puffy ankles and feet, sometimes even calves and knees, so that shoes, or even socks or pants, don’t fit. Oedema can also occur in the fingers, hands, wrists, and face. Often it gets worse towards the end of pregnancy, and some people experience it in all these places at once.

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The Waters

The Waters

A common image in futuristic movies is someone floating in a tank of water in order to heal from injuries, illness, or cryogenic stasis. This idea of submersion in an enclosed aquatic tub that is restorative and salubrious is extremely evocative of the womb. Our babies float in exactly such a substance in our bodies, fully submerged, growing and gestating, until they are ready to emerge. This is amniotic fluid, “the waters” that surround and support our baby.

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Weighing In on Pregnancy Weight Gain

Weighing In on Pregnancy Weight Gain

How much weight should you gain when you’re pregnant?

While a cursory glance at the internet may appear to provide a consistent answer, a deeper search risks poking a hornet’s nest of dissonant opinions. There are many ways of thinking about this question. And they fly in wildly different directions.

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The Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy

The Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when women can switch focus from the busy-ness of life to take more time to care for ourselves -- our bodies and our minds. Life will change significantly when the baby arrives and yoga can provide women with a solid foundation on which to nurture their bodies and minds, and create a pathway to a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and recovery.

Yoga provides many, many benefits, but central to pregnant women, its benefits include: increased muscle tone, improved flexibility, greater physical comfort, and enhanced mental and emotional stability – all helping to create an overall sense of wellness and peace.

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Pregnancy Nutrition – Easy Eating for a Healthy Infant

Pregnancy Nutrition – Easy Eating for a Healthy Infant

Congratulations! You’re pregnant and looking for ways to nourish yourself and your growing baby. Maternal nutrition is extremely important as nutrients are passed from the mom to the baby, therefor; moms must have an adequate supply for the health of her fetus. The best and easiest way for mom to ensure she is receiving adequate nutrition is through a varied diet consisting of whole foods including: Vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean animal protein and/or dried beans, and plenty of fresh, clean water. My general rule is if it comes from the ground, eat it; if it comes in a box, read the ingredients carefully.

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Natural Remedies for Your Usual Pregnancy Symptoms

Natural Remedies for Your Usual Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy is a time of wonder and revel; it can also be a time where our body is presenting all sorts of new and unusual symptoms. While pregnant, a woman’s body goes through enormous changes. These changes are not only localized, but often affect all aspects of core functioning. Pregnancy is also a time when attention must be paid to the safety of over-the-counter and prescription medications. What a perfect gateway into the realm of natural remedies!

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