Blog & Updates on Vancouver Prenatal Classes

Drinking in Labour
Why is hydration so beneficial during childbirth? Read our latest blog post to find our why.

Location, Location, Location: Choosing Baby’s Place of Birth
“Have you considered having a home birth?” My midwife had asked me in one of our first appointments. I promptly responded no, but the question spurred a few thoughts: “I’m a nurse. How could I even consider that?” “That can’t be safe.”

Editorial: The High Caesarean Rate
The World Health Organization states that the Caesarean rate should ideally hover around 10%. Anything lower means parents and babies who might benefit from Caesarean births are not getting enough access, and anything higher means too many surgeries are being performed without any improvement in maternal or newborn outcomes.

Childbirth-Related Trauma and PTSD
Being traumatized during childbirth is much more common than most people think. Unfortunately, trauma is one of the hidden costs of childbirth, a cost that women often bear in silence and without recognition or support.

Unexpected but Wonderful: My Caesarean Birth Story
I gave birth to a baby girl named Ellie on November 2nd, 2020. My birth story turned out a bit different then I had originally planned, and planned I did.