Blog & Updates on Vancouver Prenatal Classes
Location, Location, Location: Choosing Baby’s Place of Birth
“Have you considered having a home birth?” My midwife had asked me in one of our first appointments. I promptly responded no, but the question spurred a few thoughts: “I’m a nurse. How could I even consider that?” “That can’t be safe.”
Ecstatic Belly Birth!
In keeping with the Ecstatic Birth approach, Caesarean birth has the potential to be positive, empowering and ecstatic! How is this possible, you may ask? Having an Ecstatic Birth isn’t based on a particular set of circumstances, a specific outcome, or about birthing in a certain way. Ecstatic Birth is an invitation to turn our relationship to birth upside down and inside out to provide a pathway to feeling empowered, joyful and connected.
The Power (And Pleasure) Of Loving Touch In Labour And Birth
“Humans are wired to be touched. From birth until the day we die, our need for physical contact remains. There are studies showing that touch signals safety and trust, it soothes. Basic warm touch calms cardiovascular stress. It activates the body’s vagus nerve, which is intimately involved with our compassionate response, and a simple touch can trigger release of oxytocin, aka “the love hormone.”