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Babies are born with the superpower to detect danger in their surroundings, and this same superpower helps with long-term brain development. What is it? Neuroception.

As Smooth as a Baby’s Bottom: Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Diaper Rash
You’ve heard the expression, ‘as smooth as a baby’s bottom’? A baby’s bottom is indeed supposed to be smooth, healthy, and perfect. But often our poor little ones are afflicted with unhappy, irritated skin in the diaper area. So what can we do to prevent this, and if it happens anyway, what can we do to help?

THE SCOOP ON POOP: Ten Things To Know About Baby Poop!
Who knew there was so much to say about baby poop! I never thought I would be one of ‘those’ parents who obsesses over baby poop, and here I am decades later still doing it.

14 Things About Colic You Might Not Know
When we hear that a baby has colic, most people picture an upset tummy, a fussy baby that is suffering from abdominal pain and gas. But even if your colicky baby does have these symptoms, this is not what ‘colic’ means. Here are fourteen things you might not know about colic.

My Adventures in Lazy Diapering
When weighing diaper options, few parents are aware that one of the choices is to use no diapers at all. Commonly referred to as “Elimination Communication” or “E.C.”, this approach to baby’s bodily waste involves skipping the diaper stage altogether.

There is no question that becoming a mother changes us. Whether our children came to us biologically, through blending families, with the help of science, or paperwork, or some other way, no matter how we became a mother, motherhood is a fundamental shift in identity that alters our former perception of self. Whether we welcome this or resist it, there is no escaping it: we are no longer the same person we were before having kids.

Life with Baby: Getting Out of the House
Many people feel stir crazy in the early weeks or months at home with a new baby. You might find yourself pacing in front of the window for an hour waiting for your partner to get home from work. Is there anything that can be done to alleviate the terrible monotony?

BABY GEAR: The Good, The Bad, and the Useless
The Top 10 most used, and most useless, baby gear items, according to our readers

Easy Peasy Baby Squeezie
The first thing I want to write is ‘you’ve got this’. So many parents are nervous about doing the wrong thing or hurting their babies while giving them a massage, but you have dressed and undressed your baby, given them a bath, changed their diaper, rocked them, fed them, kissed and cuddled them all without hurting them. You’ve got this!

Moms Helping Their Female Partners Through Pregnancy
All of the points discussed by Cameron Phillips directed at soon-to-be Dad’s on how to support your partner through pregnancy are true if you are a woman (or woman identified person). Though harder to admit as a lesbian, even the ‘embrace your inner cave man’ resonated with me. I remember many times feeling and behaving in a very protective way around my partner while she was pregnant.
So, all of you ladies who love ladies who are starting families, the advice to the Dad’s should be taken to heart as well.
I would like to add a few additional points of advice on how to support your pregnant partner, relevant to both men and women.