Blog & Updates on Vancouver Prenatal Classes

“You’re Glowing”: What Causes the Fabled Glow of Pregnancy?
Along with all the well-known annoyances and discomforts of pregnancy, such as nausea, heartburn, swollen ankles, and having to pee every ten minutes, some people are also blessed with a few of pregnancy’s more pleasant side effects. One of these is a radiant, shiny look, mostly known as “The Glow of Pregnancy”.

The Waters
A common image in futuristic movies is someone floating in a tank of water in order to heal from injuries, illness, or cryogenic stasis. This idea of submersion in an enclosed aquatic tub that is restorative and salubrious is extremely evocative of the womb. Our babies float in exactly such a substance in our bodies, fully submerged, growing and gestating, until they are ready to emerge. This is amniotic fluid, “the waters” that surround and support our baby.

Moms Helping Their Female Partners Through Pregnancy
All of the points discussed by Cameron Phillips directed at soon-to-be Dad’s on how to support your partner through pregnancy are true if you are a woman (or woman identified person). Though harder to admit as a lesbian, even the ‘embrace your inner cave man’ resonated with me. I remember many times feeling and behaving in a very protective way around my partner while she was pregnant.
So, all of you ladies who love ladies who are starting families, the advice to the Dad’s should be taken to heart as well.
I would like to add a few additional points of advice on how to support your pregnant partner, relevant to both men and women.